
Make it yourself: Wood
Between function and no function, a piece of wood throws the importance life to the surface. The image we notice tries to keep time in perspective or tries to shut down. The future of ‘Wood’ is fully up for grabs and can be completed by the spectator himself. ‘Wood’ in block form leaves its function behind the life it once owned by its new destiny: a second life is born.

The ‘Wood’ as shown here is an industrial version of nature. On one side is the front painted wood against natural weathering and at the other end with a coarse cutting a piece of its beam. Therefore, the growth rings of the wood are clearly seen. The history of the life that was before the living tree or the living wood is transformed into a square-cut industrial consumable product. We can trace the design and colour. The veins swing along the knags. Sometimes these are cases of drought. It also tells us something about the rings and the age of the imaged material. The composition ‘A Second Life’ is created in harmony with the original data of the modified limestone. To accentuate the imagined there were some fossils from limestone used to correct the knags or grain of the wood.

About the 'Make it yourself' series
'Make it yourself’ deals with the concept of time. This concept allows us to empathize with the images in a personal way. It plays with the idea of ​​the dying, but also the narrative in history.To escape time we can only imagine the timelessness. We cannot change or manipulate time, but just imagine it. In the ‘Make it yourself’ series the sculptures have been given an idea, or a given time. The more than 90 sculptures are all made of natural stone. Some are painted or silkscreened as well. Kim De Ruysscher works with traditional sculptural techniques and traditional material and connects these historical aspects with contemporary spirit. So he materializes a period and inertia. The presented sculptures from ‘Make it yourself’ carry a reticence to entail the time in which the future fulfillment of a work has not yet been determined, but in which the past is already over. Thus we see a drawing block, building blocks, a bag of plaster, wood blocks, paint tubes or paper. Apart from the past and present the works of 'Make it yourself' also focuses on the future.